What Happens in a Routine Dental Checkup

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Despite the fact that good oral health is linked to overall health, many Americans still avoid going to the dentist. A recent Gallup poll reports that over one-third of adults didn’t bother going to the dentist at all in the past year. Yet, you are supposed to be going every six months.

Just so you don’t forget what happens there, here is a short refresher of a typical dental visit:

After checking in with our smiling receptionist, you will be ushered away to one of our operating rooms by a friendly certified dental assistant (or hygienist) and seated in a chair that is specifically made to be comfortably maneuvered for dental work. The hygienist (or CDA) will get your dental history and verify that there have been no major issues or changes since the previous visit. If this is your first time or it’s been over a year, new x-rays may be needed.

Next comes a thorough teeth cleaning. Using specialized instruments made for the task, calcified tartar and plaque will be completely removed. Then your teeth will be polished with an abrasive to keep the plaque from coming back until your next visit. A fluoride treatment may be offered as well.

The dentist will then examine your teeth, gums, and any areas of interest found by the assistant. Using a small mirror and probe, he will be looking for decay, wear, damage and signs of gum disease. he will also feel around your neck and jaw to screen for oral cancer. When the examination is finished, you will be advised of any problematic concerns. If all is well, you’ll be asked to return in six months.

If you’re past due on a dental exam, call Dr. Jorge Bastidas and our team at Comfort Dental Care. You can make an appointment at: 973-742-2610, or come by our office in Paterson, New Jersey.